Saturday, May 30, 2009

Breast Cancer - You Do Not Need Incisions, Surgery Or Harmful Drugs-Treat Cancer Naturally

Firstly, allow my sincerest empathy and sorrow for the awful diagnosis of breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, prostrate cancer--any cancer-- that has happened to you. I know you are suffering greatly and probably think that there is no cure for what you have been diagnosed with. That is what we are told, but I want to tell you about a discovery I found and believe it is a solution. It is working for others and I want you to be able to print out the dosage and put it on your refrigerator and follow it.

What it is --is oxygen increase to the body. It has to be done correctly so that you do not overdo it. If you get too much, that is harmful and deadly, so you have to follow the precise instructions. Do not be alarmed; they are quite simple.

Oxygenation causes the cancer cells to suffocate and die off. They cannot thrive in oxygen-rich environments--in fact, they kill the natural human cells in your body that carry oxygen because cancer cells are anaerobic. Anaerobic cells function without oxygen and therefore thrive in such an environment.

Increasing your oxygen intake kills the cancer cells and simultaneously boosts your immune system, creating an oxygen-rich environment which promotes extreme health in even prior cancer victims. The immune cells that the cancer has been killing in you will be start to thrive, increase dramatically and take over....just like cancer cells take over. See, cancer is an unstoppable growth of cellular activity that eventually crowds out your natural cells that make up your vital organs such as your lungs, kidney, liver and heart. If the unnatural cell growth of these anaerobic cells go unchecked or untreated effectively...the organs' cells die out and then the organ and then the person.

Now, I do not wish to alarm you with the facts--I just want you to understand what is happening to you from a cellular level-- a chemistry level. And that is how it should be treated--at the cellular level. Period. These awful drugs that you are being dosed up with have horrible side-effects that increase your sickness. If you are interested in an alternative to these drugs, do not select more drugs. They all have life-threatening side-effects and I know that this is not what you want. Just increase your natural oxygen level. It sustains your life anyway, and it will not hurt you.

I just wanted you to know that you can create a naturally immune-boosted environment by increasing your oxygen intake and avoid the drugs, chemotherapy, surgery, medical bills..and on and on by administering yourself daily increases of oxygen, at home--without a prescription and for only about $1.30 a day. You do not have to keep suffering from cancer nor harmful drugs that eventually create more suffering and perhaps even death. Visit the site where you can immediately download the instructions and start today if you get the exact oxygen solution per the instructions from a natural store. It cannot hurt you, and is the best alternative treatment for all diseases because they are primarily all anaerobic cells that are making the world sick. If you consider the ozone layer being depleted, and the recent increase in cancer--do you see the connection? There must be a connection as to the oxygen depletion in the atmosphere and the growing number of epidemic outbreaks. Would you not agree?

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ovarian Cancer - It's Curable, But Women's Awareness is Very Low!

Do you ever experience any of the following?

* Bloating, abdominal swelling or loss of appetite

* Fatigue, indigestion or heartburn

* A change in toilet habit or unexplained weight change

* Constipation or diarrhoea

* Abdominal or back pain

* Irregular vaginal bleeding

* Pain with intercourse or poor bladder control

Anyone is likely to experience these symptoms from time to time. But for some women they may be the earliest indications of ovarian cancer.

The reason the fatality rate is as high as 50 per cent is that 70 per cent of women are diagnosed at such an advanced stage that successful treatment is difficult. If diagnosed and treated early, ovarian cancer is 90 per cent curable, but since most women's awareness of it is low, detection is often too late.

Some women believe their Pap smear will check for all gynaecological cancers, but it only checks for cervical cancer. There is no routine screening test for ovarian cancer, although your doctor may do an internal examination as part of the Pap smear and may be able to detect pelvic masses. However, early changes are unlikely to be detected.

An ultrasound can give a better idea of the state of the ovaries and a blood test which looks at tumor markers such as CA125, Inhibin or CEA can also help with diagnosis.

The risk factors of ovarian cancer are:

1. Increasing age. Around 80% of cases occur in women over 50.

2. A family history of ovarian, bowel, breast or uterine cancer.

3. Having never been pregnant or having had few pregnancies.

4. Having never taken the Pill.

5. Having had endometriosis.

6. Being overweight.

7. Having multiple exposures to fertility drugs.

8. Being of Ashkenazi Jewish descent.

9. Genital contact with talc or asbestos.

Ovarian cancer is not that common, so don't panic if you have any of these symptoms. However, if you experience any symptoms persistently for two weeks or more, you should consult your doctor.

Detecting a Deadly Killer of Women - Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is cancer of the ovaries and the other reproductive organs of women. It is ranked fifth in the list of cancers which affect women and cause their death. Detecting the signs and symptoms early is important to survival.

The problem with this kind is that it is difficult to detect in the early stages. Usually the symptoms and signs start to appear and manifest when the cancer starts growing and spreads throughout the body. It is in the pelvic region, legs and back that you will experience pain and pressure which are the commonest symptoms. A few more symptoms are changes in menstrual pattern, lower back pain, a continued feeling of loss of energy and tiredness, pain during intercourse, and change in bowel habits. A few of the rarer symptoms are bleeding after menopause, heavy periods, heavy vaginal bleeding, frequent urination, and shortness of breath.

The symptoms will not fluctuate, they will continue to intensify and slowly but surely they will start worsening. However, you won't experience all of these symptoms together and besides another problem is that these signs are extremely non specific. Only your doctor can perform the appropriate tests and diagnose it.

The earlier the ovarian cancer is detected, more will be your chances of survival. When you find your pelvic pain and discomfort lasting for quite a number of weeks or for an abnormally long period of time, you should immediately visit your doctor for testing. If your doctor makes an earlier stage diagnosis the chances of long term survival increase greatly!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Green Tea and Cancer - How Does it Work in Protecting the Body?

Green tea and cancer prevention is something that many of us are aware of. There have been many studies linking the catechins in green tea to many different kinds of cancer prevention but how does it work?

EGCG the amazingly strong antioxidant that seems to be the main compound for this protective role basically attacks the cancer cells in four ways:

1. It blocks off the development of new blood vessels

2. It turns off the growth genes in the cells

3. It turns on the suicide genes

4. It inhibits the overproduction of COX-2, an enzyme that is responsible for many diseases including oncology, cancer, diseases.

Green Tea and Cancer Protection

The types of tumors that green tea has been associated in helping to prevent include, prostate, colon, oesophageal, stomach and other forms of gastric tumors.

Italian scientists firmly believe that men who are prone to getting prostate cancer should include green tea as part of their daily intake of food as a precautionary measure to provide protection against getting the disease.

Understanding Prostate Cancer

If you are a male an over 40 years old, your chances of getting prostate cancer are a 1 in 6 possibility. If you are over 60 years old the likelihood of you getting prostate cancer increases significantly.    But age is not the only determining factor. Race and family play an important part in this disease. According to many experts, African American males are 61% more likely to have prostate as compared to Caucasian men, and their chance of dying is almost 3% more than Caucasians. If your father or a brother had prostate cancer, your chances of having it also increase significantly.   What are other things that might affect your chances of having prostate cancer? Your lifestyle as well as your diet can affect your chances. If you exercise very little and eat a lot of foods high in fat, you increase your chances of getting prostate cancer.   Be smart and get regular check-ups. 

Do not take one doctors opinion only.  Get several opinions and options before you proceed. The internet is an excellent source for finding what others have to say about this disease.  In the past few years there have been advancements in the way prostate cancer is treated. There is proton radion, radiation, an operation and seed implants, which I feel is the most dangerous treatment of all.

The best advice I can give you is work with a doctor tou fell comfortable with.  Ask questions.  Ask many questions until you feel comfortable with the answers.  Once again, prostate cancer can be a killer, but it does not have to be.

Friday, May 15, 2009

How to Prevent Skin Cancer and the Other Harmful Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation

How to Prevent Skin Cancer and the Other Harmful Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation

Imagine spending lazy days under the sun, no thoughts on how to prevent skin cancer, swimming in the deep blue-green crystal clear waters, strolling barefoot on powder-like sand and your skin turning golden brown. "Perfect", you might say but I say, "it's far from perfect". What's wrong with such a holiday on the beach? For one thing, the sun emits dangerous ultraviolet radiation and your skin turning golden brown is not safe. The truth hurts but being baked alive results to harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation such as your skin produces free radicals. These free radicals are poisonous molecules that damage your skin's collagen, cells and DNA.

Damage to collagen results to wrinkles and coarseness of your skin's texture. And as you stay longer under the sun without using any protection, your skin's natural defense mechanism weakens and leads to pigmentation. Over time, excessive sun exposure may cause damage to your cells and finally, skin cancer! A fun beach vacation is still possible as long as you know the 7 ways on how to prevent skin cancer and the other dangerous effects of ultraviolet radiation on you.

So how to prevent skin cancer? The single most effective way on how to prevent skin cancer is to completely stay out of the sun. But staying out of the sun is not that simple especially when you live near the equator where the sun is out almost all the time or when you love the outdoors. What to do then? There are 7 practical and effective steps on how to prevent skin cancer and in protecting yourself from the other harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. The 7 skin cancer prevention strategies:

1. Avoid the sun between 10am to 4pm. The UV rays of the sun are very intense and very harmful within this time frame. Try to go outside before 10am and after 4pm.

2. Always apply a good sunblock or sunscreen that provides broad spectrum protection. Broad spectrum means it can protect you from deadly effects of ultraviolet radiation. For daily use (meaning you are inside a building between 10am to 4pm), a sunscreen with an spf of 15 is sufficient. However, for the climate in the philippines, a sunscreen of at least spf30 is required for everyday use. For outdoor activities, you need a sunblock with at least spf50 especially if you are in the beach or in an elevated area where the effects of ultraviolet radiation are more intense.

3. How to prevent skin cancer? Wear protective clothing. Light clothing will not give ample protection from the sun as ultraviolet radiation can penetrate light material. Clothing should be tightly woven.

4. Wear a hat with a wide brim as a wide brim provides better coverage for your face, ears and back of head and neck.

5. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes. The sun can also damage your eyes causing cataracts to form. The best types of sunglasses are those which offer 100% UV protection, wrap around your eyes from side to side and have polarized lenses. These types of sunglasses may cost more but don't scrimp. Remember, it is your precious eyes they are protecting and so, it's worth the price.

6. Follow the shadow rule. The shadow rules says, "when your shadow is short, go and seek shade". When the sun's intensity is at its peak, your shadow appears shorter. During this time, do seek shade under an awning, a tree or an umbrella. But always remember that this is not a good step on how to prevent skin cancer because you are not fully protected.

7. Finally, drink lots and lots of plain water especially when you are out in the sun for a long time. No colas or other sugary drinks, please. The effects of ultraviolet radiation are not only felt by your skin and your eyes but also by your immune system. Follow the 7 strategies on preventing skin cancer and the other damaging effects of the sun and your beach holiday will be a lot more fun and safer.

Pregnancy-Associated Breast Cancer - The Truth Is Not Yet Known

"It's not that people are ignorant, but that they know so many things that just ain't true." 

The banner headline on the Susan G. Komen For The Cure website homepage, "Pregnant Women with Breast Cancer Do Not Have Worse Outcomes" is unfortunately somewhat misleading. Perhaps the editor should have read the paper published by Dr. Beadle more closely. What Dr. Beadle actually reported in her article published in the March 15, 2009 issue of Cancer was:

"The lack of a statistically significant correlation between the diagnosis of pregnancy-associated breast cancer and a worse outcome does not necessarily preclude a true association."

Which is to say, Dr. Beadle cannot say for certain that young women who are diagnosed with breast cancer when they are pregnant have the same prognosis as non-pregnant women their same age. Dr. Beadle goes into great detail to explain the many flaws in her otherwise excellent study of 652 women, less than 35 years old, who were treated at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center between 1973 and 2006. Dr. Beadle was very thorough in explaining that the data, though suggestive, were not definitive. Indeed, it is too soon to jump to conclusions. We've been down that wrong road before - with hormone replacement therapy and, more recently, with daily use of alcohol - and it is not yet clear what the true story is regarding pregnancy and breast cancer; so, beware banner headlines that proclaim conclusions that are not yet certain.

In fact, young women who develop breast cancer when they are pregnant may, indeed, have a worse prognosis and a decreased survival. We've not studied enough women to be certain about this. Dr. Beadle went to great lengths to make sure the reader understood that there are still some missing pieces to this puzzle, still many things to learn and discover about breast cancer that occurs in young women when they are pregnant.

Overall, all young women who develop breast cancer have a dismal prognosis. Pregnancy may or may not make things worse. I hope that Dr. Beadle and other researchers will be able to clarify the true character of pregnancy-associated breast cancer in the near future. But at the present time we simply do not know for sure whether or not a pregnancy confers a worse outcome for young women with breast cancer.

The news media and their ambitious headlines typically try to grab for a hook that will capture a reader, but in their clamor to be noticed they often fall short of the mark of accurate reporting. We may forgive CNN for these hungry oversights for we know they are going for the sensational, not the substantive. But when the leading breast cancer foundation falls short in reporting the results of an important paper such as this it leaves all women less, not more informed. It is a disappointment, to say the least.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

childhood cancer awareness

Cancer Issues - Dealing With the Rest of the World

 cancer diagnosis can bring on many practical duties that have to be performed. One of the biggest and most tiring duties can be keeping other people informed about what's going on. You may feel as though your phone never stops ringing and that you're telling the same story over and over. In order to ensure that fatigue and irritation don't take over, it's important for the family members closest to the person who has cancer develop a game plan for communicating with other people. When everyone in the family knows how communications will be handled and who is responsible for which duties, communications become more streamlined, and, therefore, easier for everyone. In her book, Their Cancer: Your Journey, Anne Orchard discusses various strategies for handling communications with concerned friends and family members.

Once people around you know there has been a diagnosis of cancer, there will be an insatiable appetite for information, particularly amongst those who know the family well. If you live with the person who has cancer, you may find yourself endlessly answering the telephone and relating the same details to one relative after another. If you live at a distance, you may be one of the people phoning - and possibly feeling guilty about doing so. It's important to handle this communication issue, as it can drive the sanest person to distraction.

The most important factor is to set down some boundaries about the best ways to communicate. Is email easier, because you can choose when to reply? Do you, or the person who has cancer, like to chat on the phone - but only at certain times? Would you prefer to update one person, and have them pass the information around the family for you?

If you are the one desperately wanting an update, but find it hard to get information, ask the person with cancer or others in the family what would work best for them.

One way that a family can come together for mutual support at a time like this is to build a private website. This way people with fresh information can update it so that everyone can read it. If you have a question, you can ask it there, and get an answer from anyone who knows what you are seeking. You can share positive stories, family news, happy memories, and even photos. If you have a family member in their teens or twenties, they will probably know how to create this much better than I do - and feel good about being involved.

Colon Cancer Survival Statistics - What You Didn't Know About Cancer!

Colon Cancer Survival Statistics - What You Didn't Know About Cancer!

Colon cancer was one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in the U.S in 2005. 72,000 men and 69,000 women were diagnosed with colorectal cancer. About 26,700 and 26,200 died from colorectal cancer. It is a disease that is very common in today's world, but the good news is that the survival rate has been going up for the last 20 years.

The reason for this is better health care, faster treatment and modern advances. Doctors believe that colon cancer could almost be completely prevented if people went to regular screenings such as a colonoscopy. Today many new techniques for screening are being discovered, they are less intrusive and take less time, so going on routine screenings is easier than ever.

The average survival rate for patients that have been struck by colon cancer is:

62% in Austria
43% in Europe
68% in Korea
62% in the United States of America

It also depends on which stage the cancer is caught. The earlier the stage, the better your chances of survival. For example, if the disease is caught at its earliest stage, all that is needed is a small incision to remove the growth and you're done. At its earliest stage, the survival rate is above 95%. Getting regular screenings is crucial to discovering the disease in time and increasing your chances of survival.

It is said that if Americans were screened regularly, it would save about 25,000 lives each and every year. You can also decrease the chances that you will get cancer by eating healthy foods and living a healthy life

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cancer Cure - Resveratrol is a Hot Subject For Scientific Research

Cancer Cure - Resveratrol is a Hot Subject For Scientific Research

Resveratrol is a field of scientific study that has gained in momentum over the last 10 - 20 years. However the discovery of this natural fighting polyphenol in plants was first discovered much earlier.

It was in fact discovered in the 1940's and the roots of the plant it was first discovered in is not where we get are main sources of it. Resveratrol occurs to fight off bacteria and fungi from attacking the plant and it is this ability to fight off disease that scientists have been looking at.

One of the first famous studies, that took place with Resveratrol about 20 years ago and that really piqued the interest of the scientists, was with regard to the protection that the southern French people seemed to have against getting heart disease whilst they were still eating a high fat diet. This anomaly didn't exist anywhere else in the western world as both in the USA and England the incidences of heart disease were raising sharply.

Further research has been undertaken worldwide and quite a bit of research has been done on different cancer cells, taken from different parts of the body.

In all the studies cancer cure Resveratrol was shown to work in conjunction with other therapies. Its antioxidant properties were basically able to do this by attacking the malignant cells directly and protecting the surrounding healthy cells.

Resveratrol was shown to have the ability of stopping cancer in all its three stages of growth. In order for cells to grow they need a constant supply of energy and the mitochondria, in each cell is its power house.

Resveratrol can actually stop the mitochondria form working properly thus arresting the growth of any new cells which then leaves the failing cell open to be killed off by radiation or chemo therapy.

Particularly the studies on pancreatic cancer cells were very encouraging as due to its other actions Resveratrol was able to ensure that the chemo therapy had a higher success rate than normal in treating this difficult form of cancer.

Besides curing cancer Resveratrol provides the body with protection from other forms of disease including obesity, diabetes type 2, heart conditions, cancer and others so to make sure that you are protected it is important to ensure that you have a small amount every day.

It is naturally found in certain foods such as berries but the way that I have found to take it to give my body ultimate protection is as part of a combined nutritional supplement.

My reason for this is because Resveratrol cannot protect the body from everything but other highly specialised ingredients when mixed together can provide for excellent cancer cure Resveratrol.

The form of Resveratrol that I take is made from grape skins and is mixed with over 70 other life protecting ingredients such as decaffeinated green tea extract, aloe vera polysaccharide, curcumin, turmeric and many others and together they provide the ultimate in optimal health.

Did We Give Our Child Cancer?

I knew that it could be serious when our doctor called and said he'd made an appointment for our 4 year old daughter Laura, at the Children's ward of a major hospital 50 miles away.

We packed up the car and started out. Not much was being said between my wife an I. It was a dreary day, overcast with a little light rain. As we drove down the highway, I remember hoping for some sort of a sign .... maybe the clouds would suddenly separate and the sun would break through and shine down on us ... maybe a car would drive by and the people inside would look over and give us a friendly smile ... anything that would assure me that someone from above was telling me everything was going to be OK. But there were no signs.

We managed to find the hemoc/oncology unit with little trouble. My initial reaction as we entered the room was that of horror, seeing all those precious young children in such poor health. I said to myself "why are we here ? My daughter can't be this sick." Girls and boys, both walking very slowly, some with limps, no hair on their heads, some with scars, others pulling an IV along with them. Was this a preview of what my daughter will soon look like?

After a lengthy wait, it was time for Laura's test - a spinal tap. My wife held her in her lap as the drugs were administered .... it was only 3 or 4 seconds before my daughters eyes rolled back in her head and her body went limp. It was a vision I will never be able to get out of my mind. My eyes filled with tears, as it appeared the life had been taken completely out of her. She was placed on a table, and we were politely asked to leave. What a gut-wrenching feeling I had in my stomach as I walked away from her now motionless body.

The nurse said, "she'll be OK, she's just sleeping .. the procedure won't take long, and she'll soon be back in your arms".

From that point on, time seemed to stand still. I could hear the clock ticking. 10 minutes went by, then 20 and pretty soon 30 minutes had elapsed and still nothing. It was then that I knew that this was as serious as Laura's pediatrician had thought. The waiting was unbearable.

Finally, the doctors emerged and their faces said it all. There were no smiles. The lead doctor came over and invited us into another room, and then it came ... "I'm sorry, but your daughter has leukemia". There was total silence.

PART 2: The reason why?

As time went by, I kept thinking to myself, "why did this happen? We've had no history of cancer on either side of our families, much less leukemia". Were we being punished for some reason?

We had our home and the babysitter's home tested for radon gas ... both came back negative.

We don't live near a bunch of powerlines, so electromagnetic wires were not the culprit.

Could this have happened during childbirth? (Laura was delivered by C-section)

So many questions were being asked, without getting any answers, which only led to more questions.

The one that kept coming back into my head was "How"? How did this happen .. and why her? I felt so helpless, but knew that I had to do something to help my little girl (as well as my other daughter, my wife and myself). Something brought this on, I just didn't know what.

So I started educating myself, not just on leukemia, but health in general, and what I found out was disturbing to say the least. We are living in a toxic mess - exposing our bodies to a virtual onslaught of dangerous chemicals every day.

Chemicals in body wash, in shampoos, in soap, in body lotion, in toothpaste, in mouthwash, in hair spray, in cosmetics, in air fresheners, in household cleaners, in dish detergents .. the list goes on and on. Could this be what caused my daughter's illness? Could it have been brought on by the lifestyle that my wife and I were living prior to conception? Could it have been brought on during the pregnancy? Could it have happened after Laura was born?

Was her sickness caused by these things that we used on a daily basis?

To this day, we still don't have all the answers, but we have changed our lifestyle. I didn't realize how much I took health and life for granted until I thought my daughter's was in jeopardy. Every day is a gift now.

I believe everything in life happens for a reason. Perhaps God chose me deliberately .. to go thru this, learn from it and then pass along my new found knowledge. My guess is, his plan was for me to teach others so that they may never have to endure the pain and agony of watching their child (or some other loved one) go thru what our child went thru. Learn from my experience, so that you may possibly avoid one.

Knowledge is one thing, but action is quite another. The second part of this plan must have been to align me with a company which offers products of unrivalled purity and effectiveness - free from any harmful ingredients. It is this company and their products that I now use and recommend to all that come in contact with me. I feel it's my duty in life and something that I was meant to do.

Cancer is a dreaded disease that has robbed us all of so many wonderful people. I have seen first hand what it's like to watch somebody battle thru it. It's not fun and it's not pretty. In fact some researchers are predicting that by the year 2030, 26 million people a year worldwide will be diagnosed with cancer, with 17 million dying from it.

So it is my mission to educate people on the dangers in the products they are using on a daily basis and offer them healthy alternatives. I'm actually quite angry at what is being sold to unknowing customers ... products being touted as "safe", as "natural", as "gentle", as "organic" ... are really anything but that. Products with catchy names and slogans in brightly colored, fancy shaped packages - all in the hopes of making a healthy profit, but making it anything but healthy for the end user. Unless we change our lifestyles and start supporting companies like the one I've aligned myself with, those researchers may well have made an accurate prediction for the year 2030. My goal is to make those numbers much, much less .. one person or one generation at a time.

In closing, let me leave you with a thought - perhaps the final part of God's plan was for you to read this story and then see if you'll act on it.

Like I said earlier, I believe everything in life happens for a reason.

experice by Jim Kueny 

Did We Give Our Child Cancer?

I knew that it could be serious when our doctor called and said he'd made an appointment for our 4 year old daughter Laura, at the Children's ward of a major hospital 50 miles away.

We packed up the car and started out. Not much was being said between my wife an I. It was a dreary day, overcast with a little light rain. As we drove down the highway, I remember hoping for some sort of a sign .... maybe the clouds would suddenly separate and the sun would break through and shine down on us ... maybe a car would drive by and the people inside would look over and give us a friendly smile ... anything that would assure me that someone from above was telling me everything was going to be OK. But there were no signs.

We managed to find the hemoc/oncology unit with little trouble. My initial reaction as we entered the room was that of horror, seeing all those precious young children in such poor health. I said to myself "why are we here ? My daughter can't be this sick." Girls and boys, both walking very slowly, some with limps, no hair on their heads, some with scars, others pulling an IV along with them. Was this a preview of what my daughter will soon look like?

After a lengthy wait, it was time for Laura's test - a spinal tap. My wife held her in her lap as the drugs were administered .... it was only 3 or 4 seconds before my daughters eyes rolled back in her head and her body went limp. It was a vision I will never be able to get out of my mind. My eyes filled with tears, as it appeared the life had been taken completely out of her. She was placed on a table, and we were politely asked to leave. What a gut-wrenching feeling I had in my stomach as I walked away from her now motionless body.

The nurse said, "she'll be OK, she's just sleeping .. the procedure won't take long, and she'll soon be back in your arms".

From that point on, time seemed to stand still. I could hear the clock ticking. 10 minutes went by, then 20 and pretty soon 30 minutes had elapsed and still nothing. It was then that I knew that this was as serious as Laura's pediatrician had thought. The waiting was unbearable.

Finally, the doctors emerged and their faces said it all. There were no smiles. The lead doctor came over and invited us into another room, and then it came ... "I'm sorry, but your daughter has leukemia". There was total silence.

PART 2: The reason why?

As time went by, I kept thinking to myself, "why did this happen? We've had no history of cancer on either side of our families, much less leukemia". Were we being punished for some reason?

We had our home and the babysitter's home tested for radon gas ... both came back negative.

We don't live near a bunch of powerlines, so electromagnetic wires were not the culprit.

Could this have happened during childbirth? (Laura was delivered by C-section)

So many questions were being asked, without getting any answers, which only led to more questions.

The one that kept coming back into my head was "How"? How did this happen .. and why her? I felt so helpless, but knew that I had to do something to help my little girl (as well as my other daughter, my wife and myself). Something brought this on, I just didn't know what.

So I started educating myself, not just on leukemia, but health in general, and what I found out was disturbing to say the least. We are living in a toxic mess - exposing our bodies to a virtual onslaught of dangerous chemicals every day.

Chemicals in body wash, in shampoos, in soap, in body lotion, in toothpaste, in mouthwash, in hair spray, in cosmetics, in air fresheners, in household cleaners, in dish detergents .. the list goes on and on. Could this be what caused my daughter's illness? Could it have been brought on by the lifestyle that my wife and I were living prior to conception? Could it have been brought on during the pregnancy? Could it have happened after Laura was born?

Was her sickness caused by these things that we used on a daily basis?

To this day, we still don't have all the answers, but we have changed our lifestyle. I didn't realize how much I took health and life for granted until I thought my daughter's was in jeopardy. Every day is a gift now.

I believe everything in life happens for a reason. Perhaps God chose me deliberately .. to go thru this, learn from it and then pass along my new found knowledge. My guess is, his plan was for me to teach others so that they may never have to endure the pain and agony of watching their child (or some other loved one) go thru what our child went thru. Learn from my experience, so that you may possibly avoid one.

Knowledge is one thing, but action is quite another. The second part of this plan must have been to align me with a company which offers products of unrivalled purity and effectiveness - free from any harmful ingredients. It is this company and their products that I now use and recommend to all that come in contact with me. I feel it's my duty in life and something that I was meant to do.

Cancer is a dreaded disease that has robbed us all of so many wonderful people. I have seen first hand what it's like to watch somebody battle thru it. It's not fun and it's not pretty. In fact some researchers are predicting that by the year 2030, 26 million people a year worldwide will be diagnosed with cancer, with 17 million dying from it.

So it is my mission to educate people on the dangers in the products they are using on a daily basis and offer them healthy alternatives. I'm actually quite angry at what is being sold to unknowing customers ... products being touted as "safe", as "natural", as "gentle", as "organic" ... are really anything but that. Products with catchy names and slogans in brightly colored, fancy shaped packages - all in the hopes of making a healthy profit, but making it anything but healthy for the end user. Unless we change our lifestyles and start supporting companies like the one I've aligned myself with, those researchers may well have made an accurate prediction for the year 2030. My goal is to make those numbers much, much less .. one person or one generation at a time.

In closing, let me leave you with a thought - perhaps the final part of God's plan was for you to read this story and then see if you'll act on it.

Like I said earlier, I believe everything in life happens for a reason.

experice by Jim Kueny 

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Couple of Facts About Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer that occurs in the United States. Over one million cases of skin cancer are diagnosed each year. In any given year, there are more cases of this cancer diagnosed than there are of colon, lung, prostate and breast cancers combined.

One in every five Americans will develop skin cancer at some point in their lifetime. The most common type is basal cell carcinoma, which is rarely fatal, but which can be very disfiguring.

Sqamous cell carcinoma is the second most commonly-seen type of skin cancer. This type results in roughly 2500 deaths each year and more than 250,000 are diagnosed every year.

Basal and squamous cell types of carcinoma are the major two forms of skin cancer seen that are non-melanoma. About forty to fifty percent of people in America who live past age 65 will have one of these types of skin cancer at least once.

In the year 2004, the total cost that was attributed to treating non-melanoma skin cancers was higher than one billion dollars.

Nearly ninety percent of the non-melanoma types of skin cancer are associated with overexposure to the sun's UV rays. Nearly ninety percent of the aging effects seen on human skin are caused by sun exposure.

Most people used to believe that about eighty percent of a person's exposure to the sun came before the age of eighteen, but this is not true. At age 19, a person has only had about twenty-three percent of their lifetime sun exposure.

Although many of the more common cancers are not seen as often as they used to be, melanoma incidents are still rising, at a faster rate than any of the other seven most common cancers. About 62,480 melanomas are diagnosed in a calendar year, and almost 8240 will result in death.

Melanoma is found in roughly three percent of all skin cancer cases, but it causes higher than 75 percent of deaths due to skin cancer. The incidence of mortality among those with melanoma increased by almost thirty-three percent from 1975 - 1990, but since then it has stayed fairly stable.

The survival rate of people with melanoma increased from almost fifty percent between 1950 and 1954, and it improved 92% between 1996 and 2003. Still, over twenty Americans die every day from skin cancer, usually of the melanoma type. One person will die from melanoma nearly every hour.

The rate of survival of melanoma patients whose disease was found early, before the tumor broke through the skin, is almost one hundred percent. This rate falls to a dismal fifteen percent for those who have the advanced stages of the disease.

Self-Examination For Skin Cancer

Self-Examination For Skin Cancer

Self-Examination For Skin Cancer

skin doctors promote regular self examination of skin because research shows that self-skin exam can lead to early detection of skin cancer. Skin cancer detected and treated in its early stages is 95 percent curable disease. Even melanoma one of the most deadly form skin cancer if detected and treated early is highly curable.

Self examination for skin cancer means checking your own skin every three to six months for any abnormal growth or unusual changes in the size, color, shape or texture of your skin. It is important for you or your partner to look carefully whole body as skin cancer can occur anywhere. Be sure to check your back head, face, scalp, elbow, arms, underarms, palms, soles and skin between soles and palm. Use a mirror to examine hard-to-see areas such as your back, buttocks and genitals.

When you perform skin self-exam, look for new skin markings (moles, blemishes, colorations, bumps). Note changes on your skin, such as color or texture of your skin or mole that have changed in size, texture, color, or lesions that bleed continuously and will not heal. Look for small lumps or mass that are smooth glossy and waxy, or red or reddish brown. Be alert to flat red spots that are rough or scaly and have diameter larger than 3 millimeters. You can also maintain a diary or a journal to keep notes of skin changes.

The self-skin exam takes no more than 8 to 10 minutes, but that 10 minutes could save your life. The best time to do self-skin exam is at the time of taking bath or after a shower. If you are concerned about developing any form of skin cancer, consult your primary health care provider or dermatologist as soon as possible.

Cancer Issues - Dealing With the Rest of the World

A cancer diagnosis can bring on many practical duties that have to be performed. One of the biggest and most tiring duties can be keeping other people informed about what's going on. You may feel as though your phone never stops ringing and that you're telling the same story over and over. In order to ensure that fatigue and irritation don't take over, it's important for the family members closest to the person who has cancer develop a game plan for communicating with other people. When everyone in the family knows how communications will be handled and who is responsible for which duties, communications become more streamlined, and, therefore, easier for everyone. In her book, Their Cancer: Your Journey, Anne Orchard discusses various strategies for handling communications with concerned friends and family members.

Once people around you know there has been a diagnosis of cancer, there will be an insatiable appetite for information, particularly amongst those who know the family well. If you live with the person who has cancer, you may find yourself endlessly answering the telephone and relating the same details to one relative after another. If you live at a distance, you may be one of the people phoning - and possibly feeling guilty about doing so. It's important to handle this communication issue, as it can drive the sanest person to distraction.

The most important factor is to set down some boundaries about the best ways to communicate. Is email easier, because you can choose when to reply? Do you, or the person who has cancer, like to chat on the phone - but only at certain times? Would you prefer to update one person, and have them pass the information around the family for you?

If you are the one desperately wanting an update, but find it hard to get information, ask the person with cancer or others in the family what would work best for them.

One way that a family can come together for mutual support at a time like this is to build a private website. This way people with fresh information can update it so that everyone can read it. If you have a question, you can ask it there, and get an answer from anyone who knows what you are seeking. You can share positive stories, family news, happy memories, and even photos. If you have a family member in their teens or twenties, they will probably know how to create this much better than I do - and feel good about being involved

Monday, May 11, 2009

Cancer Issues - Dealing With the Rest of the World

A cancer diagnosis can bring on many practical duties that have to be performed. One of the biggest and most tiring duties can be keeping other people informed about what's going on. You may feel as though your phone never stops ringing and that you're telling the same story over and over. In order to ensure that fatigue and irritation don't take over, it's important for the family members closest to the person who has cancer develop a game plan for communicating with other people. When everyone in the family knows how communications will be handled and who is responsible for which duties, communications become more streamlined, and, therefore, easier for everyone. In her book, Their Cancer: Your Journey, Anne Orchard discusses various strategies for handling communications with concerned friends and family members.

Once people around you know there has been a diagnosis of cancer, there will be an insatiable appetite for information, particularly amongst those who know the family well. If you live with the person who has cancer, you may find yourself endlessly answering the telephone and relating the same details to one relative after another. If you live at a distance, you may be one of the people phoning - and possibly feeling guilty about doing so. It's important to handle this communication issue, as it can drive the sanest person to distraction.

The most important factor is to set down some boundaries about the best ways to communicate. Is email easier, because you can choose when to reply? Do you, or the person who has cancer, like to chat on the phone - but only at certain times? Would you prefer to update one person, and have them pass the information around the family for you?

If you are the one desperately wanting an update, but find it hard to get information, ask the person with cancer or others in the family what would work best for them.

One way that a family can come together for mutual support at a time like this is to build a private website. This way people with fresh information can update it so that everyone can read it. If you have a question, you can ask it there, and get an answer from anyone who knows what you are seeking. You can share positive stories, family news, happy memories, and even photos. If you have a family member in their teens or twenties, they will probably know how to create this much better than I do - and feel good about being involved.

Cancer Cure - Resveratrol is a Hot Subject For Scientific Research

Cancer Cure - Resveratrol is a Hot Subject For Scientific Research

Resveratrol is a field of scientific study that has gained in momentum over the last 10 - 20 years. However the discovery of this natural fighting polyphenol in plants was first discovered much earlier.

It was in fact discovered in the 1940's and the roots of the plant it was first discovered in is not where we get are main sources of it. Resveratrol occurs to fight off bacteria and fungi from attacking the plant and it is this ability to fight off disease that scientists have been looking at.

One of the first famous studies, that took place with Resveratrol about 20 years ago and that really piqued the interest of the scientists, was with regard to the protection that the southern French people seemed to have against getting heart disease whilst they were still eating a high fat diet. This anomaly didn't exist anywhere else in the western world as both in the USA and England the incidences of heart disease were raising sharply.

Further research has been undertaken worldwide and quite a bit of research has been done on different cancer cells, taken from different parts of the body.

In all the studies cancer cure Resveratrol was shown to work in conjunction with other therapies. Its antioxidant properties were basically able to do this by attacking the malignant cells directly and protecting the surrounding healthy cells.

Resveratrol was shown to have the ability of stopping cancer in all its three stages of growth. In order for cells to grow they need a constant supply of energy and the mitochondria, in each cell is its power house.

Resveratrol can actually stop the mitochondria form working properly thus arresting the growth of any new cells which then leaves the failing cell open to be killed off by radiation or chemo therapy.

Particularly the studies on pancreatic cancer cells were very encouraging as due to its other actions Resveratrol was able to ensure that the chemo therapy had a higher success rate than normal in treating this difficult form of cancer.

Besides curing cancer Resveratrol provides the body with protection from other forms of disease including obesity, diabetes type 2, heart conditions, cancer and others so to make sure that you are protected it is important to ensure that you have a small amount every day.

It is naturally found in certain foods such as berries but the way that I have found to take it to give my body ultimate protection is as part of a combined nutritional supplement.

My reason for this is because Resveratrol cannot protect the body from everything but other highly specialised ingredients when mixed together can provide for excellent cancer cure Resveratrol.

The form of Resveratrol that I take is made from grape skins and is mixed with over 70 other life protecting ingredients such as decaffeinated green tea extract, aloe vera polysaccharide, curcumin, turmeric and many others and together they provide the ultimate in optimal health.

Activities That Help to Maintain a Healthy Prostate

Activities That Help to Maintain a Healthy Prostate

1. Moderate exercise (like walking)
We know that one half to three-quarters of men older than 75 will have some cancerous changes in their prostate glands. People doing moderate exercise like walking for 2 to 3 hours per week had a 25 percent less risk of developing prostate problems than those who did not. Just 20-30 minutes walking a day would help to increase circulation of blood to the body as a side benefit for better sexual function and prostate health.

. Sitz baths
It is one of the earliest prostate treatments and the most effective remedies for prostate pain. This special bath brings a great flow of blood to a specific area of the body while the regular hot bath is pleasant and generally increases circulation throughout your body.

3. Yoga
Yoga is really helpful to the prostate. It also helps tone the deep pelvic muscles there by promoting circulation. Yoga promotes flexibility, circulation, and stimulates the liver meridian. In general yoga helps a person to be more aware of his pelvic area in terms of his muscular control.

4. Kegal exercise
Kegal exercise when performed while in virasana, bhekasana or frog pose also promotes good prostate health and overall benefit to the urogenital tract.

Spinal and pelvic massage
Spinal and pelvis massage helps to
a) Increase blood supply to the prostate and the pelvic area.
b) Increase lymphatic flow to the prostate and the pelvic area.
c) Reduces inflammatory conditions.

6. Joyful sex life
Sex helps increase movement of the pelvic muscles and the blood circulation to all organs of your body. As fresh blood supply arrives your cells, organs and muscles are saturated with fresh oxygen and hormones, and as the used blood is removed, you also remove waste products and toxins from your body, thus reducing the risk of inflammation of the prostate.

With Common Sense Approaches for prostate cancer

With Common Sense Approaches for prostate cancer

Reduce fat and cholesterol intake, especially saturated fats.
Study shows that if you eat more than 5 servings of red meat every week you could increase the risk of enlarged prostate and prostate cancer by 80%. By eating less of red meat and replacing them with cold water fish, you are ensured yourselves to get enough omega fatty acid that helps to improve your prostate health, reduce cholesterol levels, lower the risk of enlarged prostate as well as prostate cancer.

2. Eat foods containing more zinc (nuts- especially walnuts, pumpkin, seeds, safflower seeds and oysters).
Zinc is an essential mineral for prostate health. It helps to reduce the size of the prostate and relieve symptoms of enlarged prostate. Foods containing zinc also contain cucurbitacines, chemicals that stop testosterone from changing to stronger forms of testosterone which encourages too many prostate cells to grow. Foods that contain cucurbitacines are nuts, walnuts, pumpkin seed, and oyster.

3. Guard your prostate with green tea
Green tea contains catechins, a chemical that helps our immune system to track down tumor cells before they can do any harm to the prostate cells. Green tea may be one reason that Asian people have far fewer cases of prostate cancer than North Americans.

Remove all chemicals and pesticides from diet (eat organic food).
Chemicals and pesticides in the processing food is toxic to our body. Intaking high doses of these poisonous chemicals will danger our immune system as well as cause inflammation of the body including the prostate.

Increase consumption of plants high in the sulphurophanes
Study shows that you could reduce the risk of prostate cancer and prostate enlargement by 45% if you eat 24 or more servings of vegetables that contain high amounts of sulphurophanes such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and cabbage.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Homeopathic Remedies for prostate cancer

Homeopathic Remedies for prostate cancer

Chimpaphilia acts principally on kidneys, and genito-urinary tract; affects also lymphatic and mesenteric glands. It helps in treating urge to urinate with burn pain, strain to urinate and prostate enlargement and irritation.

2.Conium maculatum
Conium maculatum is an excellent remedy for old age people. It helps to improve prostate enlargement, difficult urination, weakened urine flow and soften the prostate and enhance sexuality.

3. Hepar sulphuris calcareum
Hepar sulphuris calcareum is a mixture powder of oyster shells and pure flower of sulfur. You can purchase in mixture in a health food store and follow the instructions to make your own. Hepar sulphuris calcareum has proven record in treating dribbling urine and poor flow.

4. Sabal serrulata
Sabal serrulata is homeopathic to irritability of the genito-urinary organs. It is helpful in treating difficult urination caused by enlarged prostate, constant desire to urinate, as well as sexual inability.

5. Staphysagria
Staphysagria is helpful in treating diseases of the genito-urinary tract such as the urge to urinate, inability to urinate fully and feeling of bladder not being empty.

6. Thuja
The main action of thuja is on the genito-urinary organs. It is helpful in treating enlarged prostate, sudden desire to urinate and split urinary stream.